How Brands Should Respond During the COVID-19 Crisis


Eric Mower

Executive Chairman

A pair of studies conducted in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis reveal two hopeful facts for organizations weighing the risks and opportunities of marketing during a global pandemic: 1) consumers still want to hear from brands; and 2) more Americans than not believe advertisers should carry on as normal. The crucial question is, what messages should brands communicate—and how? Building off learnings from past crises and examining what we have already learned from the coronavirus threat, our team has compiled best practices for marketers to address three critical areas of concern:

1. Investing for future brand health

2. Finding a brand voice that resonates now

3. Applying spend according to shifting media habits

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Lessons from History

How Brands Should Respond During the COVID-19 Crisis

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Hey! Our name is pronounced Mōw-rrr, like this thing I’m pushing.