Caring Gene® campaign successfully recruits new “healthcare heroes”


New York state has an aging population and is facing a critical shortage of healthcare workers. Healthcare work can be physically and mentally challenging—but also very rewarding. It takes a special type of person. Those who have an innate desire to help others—in their DNA. For some people, care is their calling. We’ve identified this unique trait—we call it the “Caring Gene.” And it makes them perfect candidates for a career in the care industry. So we created an integrated campaign to get their attention. Then, just months after the launch, everything changed with COVID-19. So we quickly pivoted to a message that recognized the unprecedented times we’re in—and the immediate need for healthcare heroes in both clinical and support roles.

The Caring Gene® “Caring is your calling” recruitment campaign asks potential candidates to consider whether they possess the instinctive desire to help others—the Caring Gene. And if so, to answer that calling. Our design concept channeled the spirit of World War II civilian morale posters (think Rosie the Riveter)—which was fitting given the “war” healthcare providers were fighting against COVID.

Hey! Our name is pronounced Mōw-rrr, like this thing I’m pushing.