Your customers buy on emotion.
And category doesn't matter. Whether you're selling complex engineering systems, niche software or a bar of soap, Mower research shows that 68% of buying decisions are made on gut feelings.
“Not my customers,” you say.“They choose us for logical, rational reasons.”
No, they don’t.
If you’re not making emotional connections with your customers, you’re missing the most important part of the story.
Emotion decides.
Logic validates.
is science
Mower’s Making Fierce Friends® method is built around the three qualities of friendship: Affection, Relevance, and Trust. But this isn’t just some back-of-the-napkin idea. This approach is grounded in sound behavioral science, tested in the halls of academia and proven in the marketplace.
The path to friendship.
Our Affinity process helps identify the drivers that apply to your brand and use them to achieve friendship status with your customers. The unique 6-step process has built in flexibility so that the journey can continually be optimized.
1. Discover
We look at the current environment – actionable information on your marketplace, competition, stakeholders, business and brand to help determine what kind of friend you are and what kind of friend your customers need.
2. Strategize
We develop a differentiated brand and/or messaging strategy to help decide what you need to be that better friend.
3. Ideate
We bring the strategy to life creatively, with big idea thinking that leverages the drivers your customers value most and shows what your friendship means to them.
4. Plan
We develop integrated strategies and tactics to detail how we will connect and influence customers; how you will become a better friend to them.
5. Deploy
We execute the tactics, fully bringing them to life in the marketplace and tracking them continuously.
6. Measure & Optimize
The ultimate accountability partners, measure and optimize may be listed last, but they permeate every step. A plan based on your benchmarks for success and used to continually optimize recommendations based on information collected and analyzed.
Give Pete Wiezalis a call at 315.413.4341. Or shoot him a note at When it comes to strengthening your brand, he just might be your new best friend.
1Interview Mahoney & Zaltman, “The Subconscious Mind of the Consumer (And How To Reach It)” Harvard Business Review, Jan 13th, 2003.
2“Emotion and Decision Making” Jennifer S. Lerner Harvard University, Annual Review of Psychology Vol. 66:799-823 (Volume publication date January 2015)